{% trans 'The GDPR Registry Web App provides a complete dashboard based on the django Jet framework (https://github.com/geex-arts/django-jet), with the following information:' %}
{% trans 'Registry Status' %}: {% trans 'it describes, both graphically (pie diagram) and textually suggestions, errors, issues related to your GDPR registry. Just follow the suggestions displayed in this widget to fill in the registry.' %}
{% trans 'Quick Links' %}: {% trans 'quick links to application home, change password and logout' %}
{% trans 'Recent Actions' %}: {% trans 'recent actions performed by users in the administrative interface' %}
{% trans 'Applications' %}: {% trans 'we have two main applications, namely' %}
{% trans 'an access control application, that keeps track of all accesses in the admin interface' %}
{% trans 'an audit application, that keeps track of all GDPR activities in the admin interface (different, linked tables)' %}
{% trans 'Administration' %}: {% trans 'by means of this section we can add new users, groups and assign them different privileges for the access of the (different functionalities in the) admin interface.' %}
{% trans 'Support' %}: {% trans 'this section provides links to the documentation of the Registry App, and Pluribus One products and services that can help you to achieve GDPR compliance.' %}
{% trans 'You can customize your dashboard, moving or removing each element. For technical details, please check out the django jet documentation (https://jet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)' %}.
{% with 'img/'|add:LANG|add:'/first_time.png' as image_static %}
{% endwith %}